Library Strategy 2024-2028 Engagement Snapshot

Thank you for all who participated in the the Draft Library Strategy 2024-2028. This is what we heard...

The Draft Library Strategy 2024-2028

We heard submissions and comments on the Draft Strategy were mostly in support of the proposed vision, purpose and goals. Many people described the points as easy to understand, wide reaching, aspirational, practical, inspiring and supportive of everyone’s needs. Some people requested small word changes in the proposed vision, purpose and goals, whilst others requested themes of inclusion and accessibility be referenced.

For other parts of the strategy, people offered both broad and specific suggestions. The most common sentiment was around people being unsure about what the outcomes measures referred to when measuring the progress of the strategy and would like to understand it better.

Safety and Inclusion

We heard that over 93 percent of respondents reported they felt safe and included in Wollongong City Council’s libraries. Those who responded differently comment on themes around their experience in the physical space, the library’s culture and ‘identity’ and external factors out of the library’s control.

Delivery of the current service

We heard what inspires people to visit our libraries. The range of books and love of reading were highly mentioned, as well as library programs, children’s activities and the sense of community the library creates. This word map combined all the comments by our participants in the survey.

We also heard what would enhance your experience at our libraries. The clear themes were about resources, service and creating community, with people suggesting items, experiences and actions they wished to see the library enact in the future. The symbols represent suggestions people made when responding to what would enhance their experience at Wollongong City’s libraries.

What's next?

The data received in the engagement will go to the Project Group for consideration. The final draft will then be submitted for the Councillors to endorse and is expected to occur in mid-October. The final Library Strategy 2024-2028 will then go on exhibition for 28 days.

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Consultation has concluded

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