Urban Heat Strategy

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In Australia, heatwaves are more deadly than other natural hazards that are often more prominent in our minds, such as bushfires. Heatwave effects are often worse in cities, because hard surfaces such as bitumen can retain heat and drive-up temperatures (known as the ‘heat island effect’)

In our Climate Change Adaptation Plan, we identified urban heat as a key issue for Wollongong that needed more investigation and a response.

We've prepared a draft Urban Heat Strategy that identifies the risks associated with heat in relation to our community, our environment and Council’s operations.

The Strategy has four high level goals to reduce those risks and suggests actions that Council can take:

  • Goal 1: Minimise the impacts of heat on the Wollongong community
  • Goal 2: Minimise the impacts of heat on the local environment
  • Goal 3: Plan and prepare Council’s workforce for more frequent hot days and heatwave conditions
  • Goal 4: Plan, design and manage urban infrastructure to reduce the Urban Heat Island effect, create cooler microclimates and support indoor thermal comfort (cooler spaces).

We invite your feedback on the draft Strategy and have a short survey about your experience of urban heat.

For more information 

How can you provide feedback? 

We invite any feedback or questions you may have about the draft Strategy.

  • Provide online feedback
  • Email engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au
  • Write to us at Locked Bag 8821 WOLLONGONG DC
  • Call 4227 7111

Please read Council's Privacy Policy before submitting your feedback.

We also invite you to complete a short survey to collect information on your experience of urban heat and how we can help.

Feedback closes on 7 August 2023. 

Accessibility or language assistance

If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service.

In Australia, heatwaves are more deadly than other natural hazards that are often more prominent in our minds, such as bushfires. Heatwave effects are often worse in cities, because hard surfaces such as bitumen can retain heat and drive-up temperatures (known as the ‘heat island effect’)

In our Climate Change Adaptation Plan, we identified urban heat as a key issue for Wollongong that needed more investigation and a response.

We've prepared a draft Urban Heat Strategy that identifies the risks associated with heat in relation to our community, our environment and Council’s operations.

The Strategy has four high level goals to reduce those risks and suggests actions that Council can take:

  • Goal 1: Minimise the impacts of heat on the Wollongong community
  • Goal 2: Minimise the impacts of heat on the local environment
  • Goal 3: Plan and prepare Council’s workforce for more frequent hot days and heatwave conditions
  • Goal 4: Plan, design and manage urban infrastructure to reduce the Urban Heat Island effect, create cooler microclimates and support indoor thermal comfort (cooler spaces).

We invite your feedback on the draft Strategy and have a short survey about your experience of urban heat.

For more information 

How can you provide feedback? 

We invite any feedback or questions you may have about the draft Strategy.

  • Provide online feedback
  • Email engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au
  • Write to us at Locked Bag 8821 WOLLONGONG DC
  • Call 4227 7111

Please read Council's Privacy Policy before submitting your feedback.

We also invite you to complete a short survey to collect information on your experience of urban heat and how we can help.

Feedback closes on 7 August 2023. 

Accessibility or language assistance

If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service.

  • Consultation has concluded
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  • Consultation has concluded
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