What are some areas Council plans to target?

    • Bin contamination issue 
    • Reduce illegal dumping
    • Improvements for our Community Recycling Centre
    • Transitioning and encouraging a Circular Economy
    • Further options for waste diversion
    • New development and multi-residential waste management
    • New waste technology

    What is a circular economy?

    A circular economy is an approach to managing resources where everything is reused and recycled for as long as possible. This model seeks to replace the traditional 'take, make, dispose' system by designing waste out of the picture. Products are made to last longer, and when they reach the end of their life, their materials are kept within the economy, being reused or recycled into new products. This reduces the need for new raw materials and helps protect the environment. 

    FOGO is a successful circular economy Council has adopted and has resulted in hundreds of tonnes of organic food waste being diverted from landfill. 

    How do domestic waste fees work?

    Waste fees are complicated and change often. However, we have created a visual that can help the community understand how domestic waste fees are broken down:

    *Ed & Mgmt - Education and Management

    For every tonne of landfill that goes to our Whytes Gully Tip, the NSW State Government applies a waste levy. This is $94 per tonne. Reducing waste sent to landfill is a priority for us as the levies are expensive and add up in the cost for domestic waste services.

    Who will develop this Waste Strategy?

    We have an internal team who is working to design this strategic document. Many areas of Council are involved with the development of this Waste Strategy so that it is actually achievable. People from our teams in Environment , Communications, Procurement, Customer Service and Engagement have been consulted throughout this project.

    Can I complete a paper copy of the survey?

    Paper copies of the survey are available at all our libraries.

    How will my feedback be used?

    At the end of this engagement period, the feedback will be collated and fed back to the officer responsible for the draft strategy. They will create a draft which will be presented at the Council meeting in June 2024 for it to go on exhibition. At the end of the exhibition period all submissions are provided to the project team to inform the final version for endorsement at Council in approximately August 2024.

    What happens next?

    The project team may make amendments to the draft strategy based on the feedback received. The revised strategy is then presented to Council.